Sunday, March 3, 2013

PSICONEUROSIS. ©Carlos de la Parra. micro. versión ESPAÑOL----ENGLISH version.

El eminente psiquiatra recibió al matador de toros para llevar a cabo una sesión más con el propósito de mantener su mente afinada y así sostener la secuencia de triunfos que llevaba a través de la temporada.
A pesar de haber salido a hombros por la puerta grande entre lluvia de flores y bragas femeninas, el maestro no cesaba de quejarse en monótona repetición de angustia.
Ocurrió que a los dos de su lote les había convertido en estampas geniales de arte para las miradas y para las cámaras. Una danza con la muerte que bastaba por sí sola ésa corrida para sellarlo como inmortal.
Pero el primero de la tarde dió un paso raro al caminar hacia la espada y pinchó causando que se sangrase el torero en la boca por la rabia con que se mordió los labios al fallar.
Y el doctor le escuchaba. La mirada lanzaba llamas con lágrimas y la voz repetía.

-----Fallé con la espada . Fallé con la espada. Se arruinó mi mejor tarde.----

-----Qué vá matador. Fué una falla del toro. Hoy por hoy todo mundo habla de jamás haber presenciado algo igual.---

----No doctor. Entienda , yo comprendo lo del toro. Lo horrible fué que llegado al hotel fallé con la espada con Mariana.---


The eminent psychiatrist listened to his regular patient, a matador star of the bullfight season. The intent of these sessions was to keep him tuned up mentally for an unstoppable series of triumphal afternoons the man had been enjoying at the bullrings.
In spite of having precisely a roaring success the previous day, in which the aficionados carried him on shoulders and paraded him through the plaza's large door and if that were not enough amidst the aroused sceams of women who caused a storm of panties they flung at him. Yes in spite of that he found something to bitch about most bitterly.
To really understand what took place could be only described as the most serious and fascinating dance with death ever performed, leaving an indelible imprint of glory in the eyes of the audience and the cameras. That day to never be forgotten as a moment of supreme genius and courage. He was now inmortal in history.
On the first bull the deafening cry of the oles went non stop. When he pointed the sword for the kill awaiting the one ton animal to charge at him, the bull seemed to make a slight misstep in his furious advance that caused the sword to hit bone and thus not glide through the flesh for the clean kill he had foreseen. This made the man so furious he fiercily bit his inner lip causing it to bleed.
Now the shrink patiently took in his monotone complaint that endlessly voiced, amidst the rage of fire coming from his eyes.

-----I failed with the sword, I failed with the sword. My best afternoon was ruined----
---Forget it matador. Everyone saw the bull's weird sudden sidestep. They all agree you are the greatest ever.---

----You don't understand me doctor, I'm aware of the issue with the bull. But it was later at the hotel where I failed with the sword with Mariana.---


  1. extrañas ambiguedades del lenguaje e interpretaciones personales a mi me parecio que el que queria mantener la mente afinada y los triunfos de la temporada era el doctor neurus

  2. Bueno, inmortal relato.

    Beso. No dejas de sorprenderme.

    Un abrazo.

    ¿Humor negro?¿humor blanco? me encantó.

  3. Lo de los toros es una pequeñez, lo importante es cumplir cuando hay que cumplir.

